
Cuteness OVERLOAD!! Bring in those love bugs, LET THEM PLAY IN THE KITCHEN OF LOVE. I promised you'll treasure these for years to come! Session fee total is $199, $99 deposit to secure your slot, remainder of $100 is DUE via CASH ONLY at session. No checks, No Venmo!

Non-Refundable deposit, Non-interchangeable on dates (please be sure you can make the date because NO CHANGES will be made during this busy season.

Home Studio: Nicevlle, Florida -15 min shoot BUT ALLOCATED A 30 MINS BLOCK IF NEEDED ONLY FOR VDAY, TRYING TO SHARE THE LOVE, 5 edited images, online gallery, digital download. Option to purchase additional images. If you feel like you need a longer time, book two slots, back to back! You'll receive double images!

Selection will need to be made the same day you receive gallery, which will allow me to edit and get final file back in time! Delayed selections, may result in final file being delivered after the 14th FEB.

Client will be required to sign contract, info will be emailed to you the week prior to session! Images are unable to be released without signing contract! Studio address will be provided along with contract!

IF YOU HAVE PROPS YA WANNA BRING ALONG, JUST DO IT! Samples used, don't belong to me, just wanted to give you an idea what they'd look like.